A disease, such as arthritis and the most frequent in persons of advanced age. But given the environment the style of life and nutrition and this disease is much younger and there can be no jokes. To know how to warn or prevent the development of this disease, you need to understand what it is.

Osteoarthritis — what and
If the description of the disease resort to a simple expression to describe it as a disease of articular cartilage. This to your door destruction and alteration of the functionality, and modification. Very often during the process, there is inflammation of the joint capsule. Osteoarthritis anyone can affect joint, but most often suffer from hip and knee.
Causes of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis l', osteoarthritis — all the other names of the osteoarthritis. The disease, as it has been said before, more often affects the larger part of the population. Due to This old age, which leads to the interruption of the systems of the body. But if a person far from grey hair and arthritis caught him with the reasons for this can be carried out by the following factors:
- damage, injuries to the locomotor system. These include wounds, sprains, tendon ruptures and other damage;
- congenital, associated with disease of the articulation hypoplasia. In other words, it is said glenoid dysplasia;
- improper metabolism in the body;
- drinking large amounts of carbonated beverages is eluted from the bones of the important minerals;
- the improper functioning of the thyroid gland, high blood sugar and other alterations in the endocrine system;
- bleeding in the joint of the capsule.
The cause of osteoarthritis and very wide. Therefore, in order to initiate timely treatment, the better, and see the un doctor's address not just the symptoms, but the cause of the disease.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis

In the first place, usually affects the knee joint. The and the below hip, and the disease's original work of art are clean, the feet of joints of the limb is lower. Other joints osteoarthritis affects very little. To understand the presence of if this disease, you must know its symptoms. Significant difference Between the symptoms include osteoarthritis four main components:
- in the initial phase of the disease, pain in the joints when heavy traffic or load. Often expressed wrong, for this reason, the arthritis and caused. The second stage is characterized by pain that occurs with little stress on the damaged joint. In the third, the pain that bothers even when stationary. A person If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, the pain syndrome can occur during the time of changes;
- in joints damaged occasionally dry hello I rough of the crisis. The consequence and intersilesia the friction between the joint surfaces. In the second and third stage, the why becomes more clear why. It is worth noting that the usual in the crisis of the joints not accompanied by pain, do not indicate disease and does not affect its subsequent occurrence;
- occur muscle cramps, the reduction of the joint space, osteophytes appear. Because of this, the amplitude of movement of the affected joint a reduced;
- gradual modification of the joint.
Symptoms of arthritis in many aspects, has similar moments. So some people confuse these two concepts, or to consider them as synonyms. But I think that the un error. This other, to a disease. The main, a difference in osteoarthritis pain occurs when driving during the day. Arthritis painful sensations do not depend on the motion and appear at night. Are more acute and intense.
Types of arthritis
Species diversity of the disease can be divided into two categories: etymology of the nature and the disease. Each un of them some species contains more, there's and original works of art concrete division, which includes a large number of varieties.
Based on the reasons of its appearance there are two groups of joint arthrosis:
- Primary. Mainly occurs in patients under 40 years of age. When he starts a disease and develop a sense any preceding trauma or injury;
- Secondary. Osteoarthritis occurs due to certain reasons, such as the age-related changes in the body, the disruption of the endocrine system, injuries, damages, and many others.

The nature of the disease
There are only three stages of osteoarthritis. The person may experience the un light and inconstant pain that will not interfere with it to function properly. In this case, medical assistance, can not contact for several years. Other people can deal quickly with the progressive of the disease: in two months, or one of a stage of osteoarthritis at more than one another.
- in the first stage. Less pain, felt weak and manifest only original works of art burden of a heavy on the joint. Occurs because the inside of the side of the capsule joint changes, synovial fluid and the shell.
- in the second stage. It is produced by destruction of articular cartilage, start of primary deformation. Also in this stage there is bony growth. All this, for a accompanied by pain, even with a slight pressure on the affected area.
- in the third stage. The last stage, which is already an irreversible reality a modification of the joint. At the same time decreases the length of the tendon and loss of muscle contraction. In short, the man loses efficiency.
As the effects of the implementation of the osteoarthritis did not promise anything pleasant, necessary to start the procedure for the treatment.
Treatment of osteoarthritis
In order to get the un programme of treatment, yielding the result we must resort to the un trusted specialist. S examine the shows, life-style and conduct the appropriate diagnosis and prescribe necessary medications and other treatments. the un, one of them may include the following:
- physiotherapy:
- physiotherapy;
- sanatorium-resort treatment;
- proper nutrition, as well as several others.

Very often use technology for the good development of the whole of not long-lasting and loadings feasible in the damaged area. During this therapy and led a joint un petit pain pain, which disappears the next day. If the pain become stronger, you have to check the charging system and correct it. But not to stop the development completely! Arthritis — a disease that is widespread in modern society. Each year the affected people with the disease, each time more and more. This, due to the deterioration of the environmental conditions, the poor Group, the increase in the number of injuries. But also evolve and technologies that contribute to the resolution of problems with osteoarthritis. So important of the disease without execute, do, to normal the diagnosis and in case of detection of osteoarthritis consult specialized doctor.
Why do I have arthrosis and arthritis?
A healthy consists of all the cell dl·lules living. Only the cell dl·lules living have the ability to recover regenerate and fully. Why do I have arthrosis and arthritis? The majority of the joints of the hands, the feet, the jaws constant has an effect that can factors damage — shock. In this sense, diseases of the joints, especially the joints of the feet, to treat intractable diseases. For the elimination of the disease, and necessary to first know the reason why the disease becomes chronic, and remove it.
What is the difference between osteoarthritis arthritis?
Osteoarthritis and arthritis are the diseases that affects the joints. What is the difference between osteoarthritis arthritis?
Osteoarthritis and a progressive age-related occur deformations of the joints. Most often the development of osteoarthritis occurs in old age (45 years and over). Osteoarthritis and considered to be a degenerative disease i s associated with a slow destruction of the cartilage inside the joint.

Arthritis begins to often from an early age (before 40 years). Arthritis joint inflammation can manifest its redness, swelling, severe pain that does not disappear when a person is at rest. In some cases, there is the increase of pain in the night. Swelling This can be caused by an infection failure of the mass of the system active immune system erroneously that directs its force against your body. Sometimes, the arthritis indicates Marta metabolic disorders. While osteoarthritis only affects the joints. Arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease all over the body, and the inflammation of the joints decrease only "the tip of the iceberg", which hides some other processes within the body. Classification of osteoarthritis of the joints include primary and secondary osteoarthritis. The appearance arthrosis primary occurs in 40-50% of all cases. The disease ca develops previously the joints sanes, and the cause may be, for example, heavy physical work. In secondary osteoarthritis deformity affected of the was joint a of the disease, for example, as a result of the transfer of the injury.
Of Causes of arthritis of the joints
The appearance of osteoarthritis can contribute to the poisoning, the transfer of infectious diseases (for example, typhus, syphilis, etc.). In addition, the reason for the development of osteoarthritis can be un trauma to the joint (cartilage injury fracture joint articulating ends of the bones), important overload functional of the joint (for example, longshoremen, ballet, etc.). Known for the role of fred, the (for example, the of the appearance of osteoarthritis in workers of hot shops). The development of osteoarthritis may be incurred to produce at the bottom of the soil rheumatic. This s applies to people with chronic rheumatism. Sometimes the disease comes through their "kits" osteoarthritis when produced by rheumatism, varicose veins with thrombosis, vascular sclerosis, stroke, etc. Osteoarthritis may occur as an autoimmune disease. This means that sudden attack of the immune system of the cell dl·lules sanes. But in the majority of cases, The arthritis the indication as acts of rheumatoid arthritis, and decrease the flow of destructive changes in the cartilage and the bone, which can be most with age as a consequence of natural aging.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
The basis for the development of osteoarthritis and a violation of the nutrition of the joint (epiphyseal) ends of bones. As a result of changes in the permeability or damage to the blood vessels through which they take food to the bone, causing necrosis, aseptic, which aggravates the damage in the joint. Osteoarthritis has un-character progressive. First painful covered changes interns (called synovial) sheath, joint capsule, and original works of art, they capture the cartilage, and covered articulating surfaces of articulated bones. The result of the progressive destruction of cartilage that leads to exposure of the bone. Sometimes bone tissue is diluted, compacted sometimes, la formacio d bone outgrowths chipouras. In the majority of cases, the development of osteoarthritis occurs in the hip, the knee and the first metatarsophalangeal joints. The symptoms of osteoarthritis and the onset of pain. Which is characterized by an appearance periodically, original art, worsening of the sudden physical effort or original works of art to be at rest for a long time. In the background of the presence of the mobility limited joint pain. Osteoarthritis accompanied by inflammation of the tissues surrounding the joint, and the nerve trunks. The functionality of the joint suffers as a consequence of protection of muscle tension.
Symptoms of arthritis of the joints

Arthritis in the pain of the joints, especially felt during motion. Often in the joint, limited mobility, swelling appears, changes shape. In some cases, the skin over the joint becomes red and there is no fever. D symptoms include arthritis infectious redness, swelling, pain when pressed, often marked by the presence of General symptoms of an infectious disease of the appearance and chills, the fever, the pain occurs throughout the body. Arthritis can be un-mixed (monoartrit) and many joints (polyarthritis). The start was abrupt pot, and you can go that, accompanied by a strong pain in the joints (arthritis acute), or gradually (chronic arthritis).
Treatment of osteoarthritis
For the treatment of osteoarthritis and necessary to carry out activities outpatient basis, prescribed by a doctor and the visit of the sanatorium-resort conditions. In the treatment of osteoarthritis of the joints provided for the appointment of painkillers, hormonal drugs (adrenocorticotropic number), a physical therapy (thermal procedures, ultrasound), exercises therapy, massage. If the case is severe, there is a need for surgical intervention (arthrodesis, arthroplasty). If the cartilage wear is not you can help the drugs that contain glucosaminsulfat, a natural substance derived from the shells of marine animals. Have a positive influence on the metabolism of cartilage and improves joint mobility.
Treatment of The arthritis of the joints
Depending on the forms of treatment of arthritis of the disease. In the first place, you need to eliminate the underlying causes (excessive exercise, malnutrition, alcohol abuse). During the treatment, arthritis doctor given oral antibiotics. In addition, The application of anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal administered intra-articulate. During arthritis joints experts also a great attention to the realization of the physiotherapy and the implementation of the exercises are therapeutic, which i needed in order to support joint mobility and maintain muscle mass.