
Pain, lumbago, constant aggravation, are you familiar with such sensations in the back?

Harmless traction pain is often a sign of a dangerous disease. In the article, we will analyze all the causes of the disease.backachepain in the lower back in a woman


1. Diseases of the spine and pelvic bones.

  • Osteochondrosis (damage to the intervertebral discs (extension, disc herniation);
  • Spondylitis (an inflammatory disease of the spine);
  • Spondyloarthritis (arthrosis of the intervertebral joints);
  • Spondylosis (bone growth);
  • Spondyloarthritis (inflammation of the intervertebral joints);
  • Myositis (inflammation in the muscles);
  • Osteoporosis (reduction of bone density) with compression fractures of vertebrae and other bone structures;
  • Injury of the spine and pelvic bones (fractures, cracks);
  • Sacroiliitis (inflammation of the sacroiliac joints);
  • Tumors of bone structures and soft tissues.

2. Reflected pain in the lumbar spine,associated with diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs (inflammatory diseases and tumors), this pain is often accompanied by abdominal pain.

The nature of painmay be different:

  • Acute is pain that appears quickly, suddenly;
  • Chronic - pain for more than 2 months, occurs with the progression of spinal diseases;
  • With inflammatory pathology of the genitourinary system, abdominal organs (with chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis).

Pain intensity

From discomfort to severe pain.

In case of acute and intense abdominal pain radiating to the lumbar spine, it is always necessary to exclude surgical pathology that requires urgent surgical intervention (gastrointestinal bleeding, appendicitis, peritoneum, etc. ).

Severe pain in the lumbar spine

It may be reflex (muscle spasm caused by irritation of receptors in the paravertebral muscles). It hurts a person to cough, sneeze, all movements are accompanied by pain. When the nerve root is compressed (disc elongation, disc herniation), the pain spreads to the lower extremities, often on one side.

Myofascial syndrome

It is caused by irritation of pain receptors in muscles and bandage. There is the formation of triggers (pain joints) in the muscles, the pain syndrome is chronic, often recurrent.

Any trauma to soft tissues or bone structures is also associated with severe pain.

When to see a doctor: Any case of lumbar spine pain requires a visit to a doctor to help diagnose the cause of the pain and take action.

Pain in men, women

With diseases of the reproductive system, pain syndrome varies in men and women.

For men with prostate pathology, an attractive, excruciating pain is characteristic, often accompanied by a urinary incontinence. In women, the symptoms are often acute, pronounced. With ovarian apoplexy or ectopic pregnancy, the pain is unbearable. Usually the syndrome is more intense on the affected side.

With endometriosis, uterine fibroids - pain, traction If the pain is associated with spinal pathology, the intensity of pain does not depend on gender. It is noticed that men go to the doctor later.


Examination by specialists

  • vertebroneurologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurosurgeon;
  • surgeon;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • oncologist.

Laboratory methods

  • general blood test (to rule out inflammatory process, leukocyte level, ESR), rule out anemia (hemoglobin level);
  • general analysis of urine: exclusion of the inflammatory process in the bladder, kidneys (bacteria, leukocytes, erythrocytes);
  • stool analysis for occult blood;
  • Blood biochemistry: rheumatological tests to rule out systemic inflammation (CRP, RF, uric acid), assessment of liver function (alt ast bilirubin), assessment of renal function (creatine urea), pancreatic function (amylase), etc.

Instrumental research methods

  • radiograph of the lumbar spine and pelvic bones; plain radiograph of the abdominal cavity (excluding intestinal obstruction);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs;
  • FGDS;
  • colonoscopy;
  • MRI (CT) of the lumbar spine, MRI (CT) of the lumbar spine;
  • MRI (CT) of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, MRI (CT) of the abdominal cavity and pelvis with contrast.


When a tumor is detected, depending on the location and nature of the tumor, treatment, surgery, or other tactics are determined (observation and treatment in a neurosurgical, surgical, oncology dispensary hospital).


Spinal diseases (most often within the framework of osteochondrosis):

  • NSAIDs;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • opioid analgesics;
  • diuretic drugs;
  • vascular drugs;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • medical and medical blockade with novocaine, lidocaine and diprospan.

Non-drug methods

They are mainly used in the treatment of spinal diseases:

  • physiotherapy (magnetic laser, magnetotherapy, CMT with novocaine, etc. );
  • acupuncture;
  • lumbar spine hardware traction;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • balneotherapy (mud applications, ozokerite);
  • Exercise therapy.
a man's back hurtsa man has back pain

Prevention of spinal diseases (within the framework of osteochondrosis) all of the above methods (except physiotherapy).

Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: diet, diet, work and rest.

If you have back pain, go to the clinic.

The hospital has all the specialists and all the diagnostic methods presented in this article. There are also hospital departments: a gastroenterology department and a city vertebrological center. All methods of treatment are used, except surgery. You can be monitored, examined and treated on an outpatient basis, ie outside the hospital.